Building Thriving Communities

We envision thriving communities where everyone has the opportunity to achieve their full potential. Together with our partners, we inspire people to help one another reach beyond their current circumstances and realize new possibilities.

Our Vision

We envision thriving communities where everyone has the opportunity to achieve their full potential. Together with our partners, we inspire people to help one another reach beyond their current circumstances and realize new possibilities.

Our History

We’re here today because of the foresight and generosity of a pious brewer by the name of Gottlieb F. Burkhardt, whose summer farm in West Roxbury would eventually become the Martin Luther Orphan’s Home at Brook Farm in 1872. A volunteer organization with a commitment to helping children as well as “aged, weak, and helpless persons,” Brook Farm would soon be followed by the establishment of a Lutheran agency to assist lonely seafarers on the busy docks of Boston. Our social ministry had begun!

Over the years, our pledge to provide help, healing and hope to those in need expanded throughout New England. By 1992, the agency had a new name, Lutheran Social Services of New England. Today, Ascentria Care Alliance continues its legacy.

Stories from Across Ascentria

Learn more about our work across New England and meet the people who help form Ascentria’s vibrant community.

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